In order for your surviving spouse to receive the maximum pension benefits in case you die, make sure to fill and submit the Enhanced QPSA Election form.
How to access Enhanced Pre-Retirement Survivor Annuity (QPSA)?
1.Go to netbenefits.com/aa
2. Sign into your account
3. Click on accounts/benefits tab
4.Click on pensions plans tab
5.Click on tools/learning tab
6. Go to pension forms, print out
7.Download the form, Complete the form and mail or fax the form to:
American Airlines Service Center at Fidelity
PO Box 770003
Cincinnati, OH 45277-0070
Representatives from Fidelity Investments (retirement plan administrator) are available from 8:30 to Midnight e.s.t Monday-Friday @ 1 800 354 3412 to answer any questions you may have and to verify status of enrollment or revocation.800-447-2000